Feeling overwhelmed with all the flooring options available for your home? Stressed about how to choose the right one and making the wrong choice? In this video, I deep dive into the different flooring types for your home – from vinyl plank flooring, vinyl tile flooring, laminate flooring, hardwood flooring, and engineered hardwood flooring – and dissect them all, giving you the pros and cons of each.
STOP automatically picking vinyl flooring as your go-to option, if you want the best flooring type for your home, your needs, and real estate resale value. There are multiple different types of flooring options for your home remodeling and home renovation needs. If you’re struggling to choose flooring, then you’ll want to watch the entire video to get experienced direction on flooring ideas, floor maintenance, and the key questions to ask when making your selections – your all-in-one flooring guide.
Have questions specific to your project needs and wishlist? Send me an email at gabriella@gabriellamilgrom.co. I read and respond to every one 😉
Looking for the flooring products discussed? Check out these links:
Bona Floor Cleaner: https://www.homedepot.ca/product/bona-651ml-hardwood-floor-cleaner-refill-with-free-cleaner/1001016998
Vintage Flooring: https://www.vintageflooring.com/ENG/
Craft Flooring: https://craftfloor.com/
Lauzon Flooring: https://www.lauzoncollection.com/
Torly’s Flooring: https://residential.torlys.com/product-filter/?gclid=CjwKCAjwrdmhBhBBEiwA4Hx5g18TZFgJweiRCyOl5x1rHqpaaeRhdLBkplpXUzSkh352-v4yC7ZSBhoCKlkQAvD_BwE
Mohawk Flooring: https://www.mohawkflooring.com/