Welcome to the ultimate guide to designing the perfect nursery for your baby. Are you pregnant and confused about how to create the perfect nursery space? Worried you’re going to spend money in the wrong places and create a space that doesn’t work for your toddler?
In this video, I’m walking you through my top 6 design tips on how to create a nursery that is both a dreamy oasis when they are newborns AND easily transitions as your child grows into a toddler room with a big kids' design. Don’t make these common nursery decor, nursery organization, window covering, and nursery furniture mistakes.
Being pregnant is hard enough without having to worry about making the wrong decisions for your little one and wasting a bunch of money in the process. Take note of my nursery design tips on layout, decor, and baby products, and be confident in the room makeover you are creating.
✨✨ Want to create your very own dreamy welcome home baby suite that transforms your Pinterest board into your dream reality? ✨✨
Introducing the Dream Nursery Design Workshop: Build + Style Your Dream Nursery👶🍼🤱
Dream Nursery Design A LIVE, Virtual 5- Day Workshop that shares interior design tips, planning techniques, and insider secrets to transform your Pinterest Board into the perfect welcome home baby suite. 🚀
If you're ready to learn how to confidently create a nursery design layout and design direction that lights you up and fills you with joy and pride in the mama you are becoming, without the overwhelming option overload and decision fatigue..... then this design workshop is for you, my friend! 🍾
🔗🔗 Head to: gabriellamilgrom.co/dreamynursery to save your seat!
🌟🌟Looking for some additional info on nursery design options, or some inspiration from other notable nurseries?? Check out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoIEUzpuDL1hf4PVw58Ak4N73qefNg-_z 🌟🌟
🌟🌟 Don’t want to make any critical design mistakes in your nursery??? Check out this video to learn the top 5 mistakes and how to avoid them: https://youtu.be/hwH8PucdW_s
TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://ctt.ac/0G64f
Do you have any unanswered design or building questions? Or ideas for topics you would like to see covered? I'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts and ideas.